My Portfolio
When I realized BuzzFeed publishes the data they use in some of their articles, I knew I had to give it a try. Interestingly, they also post the Python scripts that they use for their analyses. I decided to try and reverse engineer their Python code into SQL queries, and come up with the same data. Please check out this repository to see my queries, and resulting data!
Here are some of my favorite projects that I have worked on so far, with a brief description!

We have all heard about this "Wage Gap" before, but have you ever seen what it looks like? Please visit my Tableau Portfolio to see a data story I created about this topic. What you see below is a screenshot of just one of the charts that I have made. It is a very interactive chart, so when you click in the columns to the right of each "Major" occupation category, it zooms in to look at smaller categories and get more specific data. If you hover over one of the bars or purple percentages, a detailed tooltip with a small view of another viz about the % that female workers take home compared to men within that category. You may need to view the dashboard independently for the interactions to work properly.
As I work through my 100 Days of Code course, I do not want to get out of touch with my core data analyst skills of using spreadsheets, SQL, and Tableau. I came across a dataset on Kaggle about the Russia/Ukraine war, and was interested to see what it would look like if I visualized it. After some analyzing on the spreadsheet, here is what I came up with. You can also interact with it by navigating to my Tableau Portfolio.
If you go to my portfolio, you will see two options. The older viz ("The Losses of War") was my first attempt at creating this. The newer one ("The Toll of War (Updated)") is what I created after seeking and incorporating constructive criticism on my first draft. I left the original because I believe that my ability to seek and use feedback will be an invaluable skill in an entry level position.

For my first capstone project, I analyzed and visualized information about a cycle company! The business task was to show how customers differ from subscribers. If you would like to interact with this dashboard, click here.
I have recently helped a research group to build some visualizations for a poster. They studied the relationships between sensory processing and mindfulness. I cleaned and analyzed the data in R, and created a beautiful "prettydoc" HTML file using the Cayman theme with some visualizations. Here is a snippet of one of the graphs I made, and the code I used!
ggplot(data=clean_results)+ geom_point(mapping=aes(x=low_reg,y=mindfulness_score,color=similar_most))+ ggtitle("Low Registration and Mindfulness Scores")+ labs(y= "Mindfulness Score", x = "Low Registration")+ labs(color = "Score = Similar to Most?")

As a celebration for finishing the entire Google Certificates Data Analytics course, I made my own viz about my journey to learn data analytics so far. To get the full experience, please watch the video I made showcasing this viz: found here.